As organizations look to modernize their communication infrastructure, many are turning to cloud-based phone systems as a way to improve reliability, flexibility, and scalability. According to a recent report from Frost & Sullivan, “the cloud communication market is growing rapidly, driven by the need for organizations to adopt more flexible and scalable communication solutions. The cloud offers several advantages over traditional on-premise communication systems, including lower cost of ownership, faster deployment, and increased scalability.” (Frost & Sullivan, 2021).

The first step in any cloud migration project is to assess your current on-premise telephony system and determine what needs to be moved to the cloud. This will help you identify any potential challenges and develop a roadmap for the migration process. A study by Forbes Insights highlights the importance of this step, stating that “organizations need to thoroughly assess their current systems and processes before moving to the cloud, to ensure that they understand the scope of the migration and can properly plan and execute the transition.” (Forbes Insights, 2019).

Next, it’s important to select a reputable and experienced cloud provider that can help you navigate the migration process. The provider should have experience in deploying cloud-based telephony solutions and should have a solid track record of delivering successful projects. According to a Gartner report, “it is important to choose a cloud provider that has the experience and capability to support the deployment of a cloud-based telephony solution, including technical support, training, and ongoing maintenance and management.” (Gartner, 2020).

When it comes to the actual migration, it’s important to minimize downtime as much as possible. This may involve scheduling the migration for off-hours or during a scheduled maintenance window, and preparing for any potential disruptions to your phone system during the transition. A whitepaper by Masergy Communications emphasizes the importance of this step, stating that “minimizing downtime during the migration is critical to ensure that your organization’s operations are not impacted and that users are able to continue to communicate effectively.” (Masergy Communications, 2018).

Once the migration is complete, it’s important to monitor the cloud-based system to ensure that it is functioning properly and that all users are able to use the new system effectively. This may involve providing additional training and support to ensure that users are familiar with the new system and can use it effectively. A report by IDC highlights the importance of this step, stating that “ongoing monitoring and support are critical to ensure that the cloud-based system is functioning properly and that all users are able to effectively use the new system.” (IDC, 2020).

In conclusion, making the transition from on-premise to cloud-based telephony can be complex, but with the right planning and preparation, it can be a smooth and successful process. According to a report by Forrester, “with the right planning and preparation, organizations can successfully make the transition to cloud-based telephony, resulting in improved reliability, flexibility, and scalability, as well as reduced costs and increased productivity.” (Forrester, 2022).

We’d like to help you on your journey with our Modernize Communications Workshop.
Unlock the power of modernized communications with our interactive Modernize Communications Workshop! Get a first-hand experience aligning your vision for Microsoft Teams Phone and advanced scenarios all through an easy, modular engagement. Our workshops will take you step by step from use-case design to reliable calling solutions, so that even those just starting out can deploy or adopt their own system quickly and easily. Let us show you how we’re revolutionizing enterprise telecom— join today for actionable strategies and sophisticated demonstrations that may be the key to successful implementation in your organization!


  • Forbes Insights (2019). The Road to the Cloud: Navigating the Journey to Cloud Communications. Forbes Insights.
  • Frost & Sullivan (2021). The Cloud Communication Market: A Comprehensive Overview. Frost & Sullivan.
  • Gartner (2020). Navigating the Cloud-Based Telephony Market: A Guide for Organizations. Gartner.
  • IDC (2020). The Future of Cloud-Based Telephony: Key Trends and Best Practices. IDC.
  • Masergy Communications (2018). Best Practices for Migrating to Cloud-Based Telephony. Masergy Communications.